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My Favourite Links
This is one of the Best Tolkien Linguistics pages around. The colours
are perhaps badly chosen, but the information is accurate and invaluable.

The Grey Havens
This is perhaps the biggest Tolkien site on the net. It is informative,
accurate and very well designed. If you can't find the link you want on my
page, try there!!

Dan Smith's Fantasy Fonts for Windows
Here are the best Tengwar and Cirth fonts I have ever seen. I keep close tabs
on this site and will post a news bulletin when he brings out new versions.
These are MSWindows True Type Fonts, but even if you use a decent operating
system (ie nix) you should still be able to use them.

There are two really good discussion groups for the linguistics inclined, and
Elfling is probably the better of the two. The information is just as good as on
TolkLang, but it has a much prettier interface.

Here is the other discussion group, and if you aren't in this one you aren't
taking it seriously!! As I stated above it's not quite as pretty as ELF, but
the information is invaluable.

The Lidless Eye
This is the best source of Tolkien images online. However, if a slow
conection you do have, this site for you it is not... For once you start
down the slow path, forever will it dominate your Web-Session.

Other Peoples links
Webmasters, e-mail your URL to me,
and I will write a review of your site and post it here with a link. This is
not a banner-service so it will cost you nothing.