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The Books Published By Professor Tolkien..
The Hobbit This book is definately a childrens story when compared to the masterpiece that is The Lord of the Rings, but there's something for everyone in here. It's light-hearted and a joy to read. Every father should read this book to his children, and inspire their imaginations in ways that childrens TV never could. Originally published by Allen & Unwin in 1937 (2nd ed. 1951, 3rd ed. 1966, 4th ed. 1978) and by HM in 1938 (2nd Amer. ed. 1951 [cloth] and 1965 [paper], 3rd Amer. ed. 1966); many editions are currently available, including special 50th anniversary editions; standard ones are: HM, 1966 (ISBN 0-395-28265-9) (paper); Ballantine, 1966 (ISBN 0-345-33968-1) (paper).
The Lord of the Rings This book is a work of genius, everytime I read it I see something new, something I hadn't seen before. This is the greatest story EVER told, The London Sunday Times once wrote: 'The English speaking world is divided into two groups of people, those who have read The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, and those who are going to read them.' I rest my case.
Originally published by Allen & Unwin in 1954-55 and by HM in 1955-56; revised edition in 1965; sometimes published
as one volume but generally as three; the 1987 HM editions referred to below are the most recent attempt to correct
the many textual errors that have crept in over the years. [See the Note on the Text, by Douglas A. Anderson, at
the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring of that edition.]
The Fellowship of the Ring. The Two Towers. The Return of the King. Lord of the Rings.
The Books Published after Professor Tolkiens death By Christopher Tolkien..
The Silmarillion This book has no rivals in creativity, and only the Bible in scale. Herein is incapsulated an entire mythology, all of which was written by one great man... Proffessor J.R.R. Tolkien.